(PRE-ORDER) [THE TALE OF LADY OK / 옥씨부인전] Photo Essay
[THE TALE OF LADY OK / 옥씨부인전] Photo Essay
Release Date: April 8, 2025
Pre-order items are scheduled to be officially released in near future. You can place orders for these products in advance before the items and any pre-order benefits run out of stock.
Pre-orders will be fulfilled in the order of receipt as the corresponding item is officially released. You will be notified if the official release schedule changes.
Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.
All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.
Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
Description (Translated):
★Gudeok x Ok Taeyoung x Cheon Seunghwi x Seong Yungyeom x Seong Dogyeom x Cha Miryung★My heart still beats when I just hear the name in the play
A high-quality photo essay for those suffering from 'Ok-ssi' is published!
- The unique atmosphere of a period drama full of mise-en-scène
- Deep narrative with high-quality images, commentary, and key lines
- Lyrical atmosphere and tense development
- A 370-page photo essay filled with still cuts you want to see again and keep
It is a fierce story of survival for a female slave who had no human rights or status.
A story of a man's extreme love who gave up everything he had longed for.
The photo essay of the drama <Madam Ok's Tale>, which has been receiving a hot response by breaking viewer ratings every episode, has been published. Set in the Joseon Dynasty, this work has garnered attention by depicting the fierce survival and love of a woman who changed her status from a slave to a nobleman, and has captivated viewers at home and abroad with the delicate acting of the lead actors who perfectly embodied the complex inner selves of the characters.
Born from the thorough collaboration between writer Park Ji-sook and director Jin Hyeok, <Madame Ok's Story> was evaluated to have opened up new possibilities for historical dramas with a storyline different from existing historical dramas and a fast-paced development, and received favorable reviews for exquisitely combining various genres such as survival romance, mystery, suspense, and drama that goes against fate and properly melting them into an epic of 'love, forgiveness, and hope.'
2024 Broadcast Critics Awards
Contain everything possible in a photo essay!
《Madam Ok's Story Photo Essay》 is a 16-episode drama divided into three parts to allow viewers to fully experience the main narrative in a long breath. Writer Park Ji-sook's deep and lingering lines, Director Jin Hyeok's sensuous drama mise-en-scène, and simple narration were added to maximize the fun of the drama.
Part 1) A slave who ran away to survive & a romantic who pursues love
Gudeok lives as a lowly slave, plotting to escape from his master, Lady Sohye. One day, while selling beans in a market, he fatefully meets a young man named Seoin who was watching an electrician's performance, and in an instant, Gudeok's life is thrown into an uncontrollable whirlpool. The story revolves around his meeting with a lover, his relationship with Lady Taeyoung, and Gudeok's new life as a foreigner.
Part 2) A Mind That Becomes Clearer in Lies
Seung-hwi, who changed his name from Song Seo-in to Cheon Seung-hwi and lives with a love for Gu-deok. He supports Gu-deok from afar while living his life as a man, but hears that Gu-deok is in trouble. He abandons both his honor and his name and finally returns to Gu-deok... The story of Gu-deok and Seung-hwi begins in earnest after a heartbreaking breakup.
Part 3) Fierce life for survival
The owner, Miss So-hye, appears and the situation is once again headed towards ruin. Is the past time when she lived with a fake appearance but a true heart finally coming to an end? However, there was a big conspiracy behind all of this, so in the end, Gu-deok eliminates the evil group that threatens his life and saves the village from chaos. Gu-deok, who was stoned and imprisoned, finally receives a pardon and is reborn on a flower path, ending the story with him receiving a new life.
In addition to the main text, we expect that it will perfectly fulfill the wishes of viewers and readers who love <The Tale of Madame Ok> by including behind-the-scenes footage of the filming site, autograph messages from the actors, and even words from the writer and director.
■ Author
■ Table of Contents
Planning Intention
Author's Note
Director's Note
Part 1: A Slave Who Runs Away to Survive & A Romantic Who Chases Love
Part 2: The Mind Becoming Clearer in Lies
Part 3: A Fierce Life for Survival
Actor's message
Behind the scenes
People who made it
Description (Original):
★구덕×옥태영×천승휘×성윤겸×성도겸×차미령★극중 이름만 들어도 여전히 심장이 뛰는
'옥씨앓이'들을 위한 고화질 포토에세이 전격 출간!
- 미장센 가득한 시대극 특유의 분위기
- 고화질 이미지와 해설, 핵심 대사로 담아낸 깊은 서사
- 서정적인 분위기와 긴장감 있는 전개
- 다시 보고 싶은, 간직하고 싶은 스틸컷을 가득 담은 370쪽 분량의 포토에세이
인권도 지위도 없던 여자 노비의 치열한 생존기이자,
열망했던 모든 것을 버린 한 사내의 지극한 사랑에 대한 기록
매회 시청률을 갱신하며 뜨거운 반응을 일으킨 드라마 <옥씨부인전> 포토에세이가 전격 출간되었다. 조선 시대가 배경인 이 작품은 노비에서 양반으로 신분을 바꾼 한 여인의 치열한 생존기와 사랑을 그려 화제를 모았으며, 캐릭터의 복잡한 내면을 완벽히 소화한 주연 배우들의 섬세한 연기로 국내외 시청자들을 사로잡았다.
박지숙 작가와 진혁 감독의 철저한 협업 아래 탄생한 <옥씨부인전>은 기존 사극과는 다른 스토리 라인과 휘몰아치는 빠른 전개로 사극의 새로운 가능성을 열었다는 평가를 받았으며, 운명을 거스르는 생존 로맨스, 미스터리, 서스펜스, 드라마까지, 다양한 장르를 절묘하게 결합해 '사랑과 용서, 희망'이라는 서사시에 제대로 녹여냈다는 호평을 받았다.
2024 방송비평상 수상
포토에세이로 가능한 모든 것을 담다!
《옥씨부인전 포토에세이》는 총 16부작으로 방영된 드라마를 총 3개 파트로 나누어 큰 줄기의 서사를 긴 호흡으로 온전히 느끼도록 구성하였다. 박지숙 작가의 깊고 여운 있는 대사, 진혁 감독의 감각적인 드라마 미장센을 군더더기 없는 내레이션을 덧붙여 극의 재미를 극에 달하도록 하였다.
제1부) 살기 위해 도망친 노비 & 사랑을 좇는 로맨티스트
천한 노비의 신분으로 주인 소혜 아씨로부터 도망칠 궁리를 하며 살아가는 구덕. 저잣거리에서 지두를 팔던 어느 날, 전기수 공연을 구경하던 서인 도령을 운명적으로 만나게 되고 한순간에 구덕의 삶은 걷잡을 수 없는 소용돌이 속으로 빠지게 된다. 정인과의 만남, 태영 아씨와의 인연, 외지부로서 새 삶을 시작하는 구덕의 이야기를 중심으로 전개된다.
제2부) 거짓 속에서 더 선명해지는 마음
송서인에서 천승휘로 이름을 바꾸고 구덕을 향한 연모의 마음을 품고 살아가는 승휘. 자신의 도리를 다하며 살아가는 구덕을 멀리서나마 응원하며 지냈으나, 구덕이 곤경에 처했다는 소식을 듣는다. 명예도 이름도 모두 버리고 마침내 구덕의 곁으로 돌아오게 되는데... 가슴 아픈 이별 끝에 본격적으로 시작되는 구덕과 승휘의 이야기를 중심으로 다룬다.
제3부) 생존을 위한 치열한 삶
주인인 소혜 아씨가 나타나 또다시 파국으로 치닫고 만다. 가짜의 모습이지만 진실된 마음으로 살았던 지난 시간도 이제 모두 끝이 나는 것인가. 하지만 이 모든 사태의 뒤에는 커다란 음모가 도사리고 있었으니, 마지막으로 구덕은 목숨을 위협하는 악의 무리를 처단하고 혼란에 빠진 마을을 구한다. 돌팔매질을 맞으며 옥에 갇혔던 구덕은, 비로소 면천을 받고 꽃길 속에서 다시 태어나 새 삶을 받는 모습으로 이야기를 마무리한다.
본문 내용 외에도 촬영 현장의 자유로운 모습을 담은 비하인드, 배우들의 사인 메시지와 함께 작가의 말과 감독의 말까지 담아 <옥씨부인전>을 애정하는 시청자와 독자들의 바람을 완벽히 채워줄 것으로 기대한다.
■ 지은이
■ 차례
작가의 말
감독의 말
제1부 살기 위해 도망친 노비 & 사랑을 좇는 로맨티스트
제2부 거짓 속에서 더 선명해지는 마음
제3부 생존을 위한 치열한 삶
배우의 메시지
만든 사람들
- Officially distributed Brand New & Original items directly from the Manufacturers
- All items and features are delivered in sealed package condition from the original manufacturers.
- All purchase quantities will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
- All purchased items will be shipped with a tracking number.
Our standard handling time for shipping albums is typically between 1 to 3 business days. Pre-orders may require additional time to prepare and ship, depending on order volume. Orders that contain pre-ordered items will be shipped as a whole once the latest released items become available.
Estimated Worldwide Delivery Time
- Worldwide Express: 3-7 business days
- US and Europe Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Canada Standard: 13 -20+ business days
- Australia, New Zealand Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Japan and the Asia Pacific Standard: 8 -11 business days
- Rest of the World Standard: 13-20+ business days
Shipping Carriers
- Worldwide Express: FedEx, DHL Express
- Worldwide Standard: Korea Post (K-packet)
- US Standard: USPS (forwarded by ECMS)
- Europe, AU Standard: Various Carriers (forwarded by Rincos and Cello Square)
We offer tracking numbers for all shipments, enabling our customers to conveniently track their packages via the online tracking site.
Customs Duties and Taxes
Please note that all purchases may be subject to taxes, such as sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and customs duties. South Korea has Free Trade Agreements with many countries and music CDs may be exempt from customs duties in certain countries. Nonetheless, we cannot guarantee any exemptions from these taxes that may occur during the shipment process, and customers are responsible for paying the applicable taxes unless we withhold the tax. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tax and customs fees, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.
Incomplete or Incorrect Shipping Address
Providing a complete shipping address, including the house number or apartment room number, is crucial as packages may get lost in transit without this information. Please note that if the package is lost due to an incomplete or incorrect shipping address provided by you, the responsibility lies with you.