YUJU - [O] 2nd Mini Album A Version
YUJU - [O] 2nd Mini Album A Version
Release Date: March 8, 2023
Contents (per version):
- 1 CD
- 1 Photobook (52 pages)
- 1 Envelope
- 1 Sticker
- 1 Postcard
- 1 Bookmark
- 2 Photo Cards (random out of 6 types)
Depending on versions, contents (cover, photo book, mini book, photo cards, posters, etc.) in the official album package may vary.
All products are officially distributed BRAND NEW and FACTORY SEALED packages.
Your purchase quantity will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
Description (Translated):
The second mini-album [O] of Yuju, who has grown as a solo artist.
Through this album, which compares life to a journey, Yuju has time to look back and record her footsteps.
Yuju, who organizes the many crossroads and choices she has faced until now, and the feelings she has felt, looks for a place to move forward.
In the picture Yuju draws, where is she now?
∵ We are all on our own journey from the moment we are born. This is also why many people liken life to a 'journey'. The album [O] is a small travelogue of mine, introducing and recording the moments in it in each track, and at the same time containing the desire to support the journey of many people who will be sailing and running fiercely in their respective seats.
The story of this album starts with the rather heavy first line, 'We've been bullying each other for a long time', but the last track 5 ends with a playful laugh as if they had reconciled. Like this, the flow of emotions that go round and round on the road where hate and love, confusion and stability all coexist resemble a big circle, and the shape was soon decided as the name of the album. In a way, it was the first album for me to have a 'meaning of shape' rather than 'meaning of word'.
I will have more things to go through in the future than what I have been through so far. That's why this trip is exciting, scary, and precious. Not only me, but also your trip. Through this album, I dare to sincerely support all the journeys that are sometimes difficult and sometimes sweet.
Description (Original):
솔로 아티스트로 발돋움한 유주의 두 번째 미니 앨범 [O].
삶을 여정에 비유하고 작업한 이번 앨범을 통해 유주는 자신의 발자취를 되돌아보며 기록하는 시간을 갖는다.
지금에 다다르기까지 맞닥뜨린 숱한 기로와 선택, 느껴온 심정을 정리하는 유주는 앞으로 나아갈 곳을 바라본다.
유주가 그리는 그림 속 그녀는 지금 어디쯤에 와있을까.
∵ 우리는 모두 태어나는 그 순간부터 각자만의 여행길에 오릅니다. 많은 사람들이 인생을 '여정'에 빗대어 표현하는 이유이기도 하지요. 앨범 [O]는 저의 작은 여행기이며 그 안에서의 순간들을 각 트랙 안에 소개하고 기록함과 동시에 각자의 자리에서 치열하게 항해하며 달리고 있을 많은 이들의 여정을 응원하고자 하는 마음을 담았습니다.
이번 앨범은 '참 오랫동안 서로를 괴롭혔었지'라는 다소 묵직한 첫 소절로 이야기가 시작되지만, 마지막 5번 트랙에서는 후련히 화해라도 한 듯 장난기 머금은 웃음소리로 마무리 지어집니다. 이렇게 미움과 사랑, 혼란과 안정 그 모든 것이 공존하는 여행길 위 돌고 도는 모든 감정의 흐름이 마치 커다란 동그라미와 닮아 그 모양을 곧 앨범의 이름으로 정하게 되었어요. 어찌 보면 저에게는 처음으로 '단어의 의미'가 아닌 '모양의 의미'를 담은 앨범명이 되었네요.
지금의 저는 여태껏 겪어온 일들보다 앞으로 겪어야 할 것들이 더 많을 것입니다. 그래서 이 여행이 설레고, 두렵고 또 소중합니다. 저 뿐만 아니라 당신의 여행도요. 때론 험난하고 때론 달콤할 그 모든 여정들을 감히 이 앨범을 통하여 진심으로 응원하는 마음입니다.
- Officially distributed Brand New & Original items directly from the Manufacturers
- All items and features are delivered in sealed package condition from the original manufacturers.
- All purchase quantities will count towards HANTEO, CIRCLE (GAON) and BILLBOARD Charts.
- All purchased items will be shipped with a tracking number.
Our standard handling time for shipping albums is typically between 1 to 3 business days. Pre-orders may require additional time to prepare and ship, depending on order volume. Orders that contain pre-ordered items will be shipped as a whole once the latest released items become available.
Estimated Worldwide Delivery Time
- Worldwide Express: 3-7 business days
- US and Europe Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Canada Standard: 13 -20+ business days
- Australia, New Zealand Standard: 13 -20 business days
- Japan and the Asia Pacific Standard: 8 -11 business days
- Rest of the World Standard: 13-20+ business days
Shipping Carriers
- Worldwide Express: FedEx, DHL Express
- Worldwide Standard: Korea Post (K-packet)
- US Standard: USPS (forwarded by ECMS)
- Europe, AU Standard: Various Carriers (forwarded by Rincos and Cello Square)
We offer tracking numbers for all shipments, enabling our customers to conveniently track their packages via the online tracking site.
Customs Duties and Taxes
Please note that all purchases may be subject to taxes, such as sales tax, value-added tax (VAT), and customs duties. South Korea has Free Trade Agreements with many countries and music CDs may be exempt from customs duties in certain countries. Nonetheless, we cannot guarantee any exemptions from these taxes that may occur during the shipment process, and customers are responsible for paying the applicable taxes unless we withhold the tax. If you have any questions or concerns regarding tax and customs fees, please do not hesitate to contact our customer support team for assistance.
Incomplete or Incorrect Shipping Address
Providing a complete shipping address, including the house number or apartment room number, is crucial as packages may get lost in transit without this information. Please note that if the package is lost due to an incomplete or incorrect shipping address provided by you, the responsibility lies with you.